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A Message from The Founder: Welcome to Women in Neuroscience UK!

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Hi everyone! I’m Lizzie, a state-educated female student pursuing a career in neuroscientific research. I'm now a first-year PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, working on characterising protein aggregates in Alzheimer's Disease. Prior to this, I was at Durham University studying for an Integrated Masters in Biosciences.

Why did I establish WiN UK?

With the pandemic restrictions, the spread of neuroscientists across different Cambridge departments, and few female scientists overall, I have come to realise how difficult it can be to meet other women in neuroscience. To my knowledge, there are few networks designed for neuroscientists or female scientists, and this would be the first network in the UK specifically designed for female neuroscientists. I think this is a gap that, if filled, could seriously benefit neuroscientists, especially women and girls at early career stages. Through the new Women in Neuroscience UK (WiN UK) platforms, I would love to help to bring female neuroscientists together in-person and virtually, in Cambridge and more widely across the UK.

"The first network in the UK specifically designed for female neuroscientists"

I am incredibly passionate about equality and representation. Through WiN UK platforms, fellow female neuroscientists might benefit through forming mentorship bonds, striking up collaborations, sharing information about relevant scientific training, and of course having fun socialising with like-minded people!

The long-term goal for WiN UK is to enable more diverse individuals to pursue, enjoy and succeed in neuroscience: an area that persists to be male-dominant, in reality and in societal opinion. There continue to be biases, microaggressions and barriers that regularly face women in science, contributing to fewer women pursuing neuroscience and staying in these professions. I hope WiN UK will enable issues to be explored and advice to be shared, to help the entire scientific community work towards ensuring neuroscience careers are a welcoming option for people of all backgrounds.

"The long-term goal for WiN UK is to enable more diverse individuals to pursue, enjoy and succeed in neuroscience: an area that persists to be male-dominant"


Who are WiN UK?

We invite all those interested in neuroscience who identify as female in the UK, from undergraduate to senior academic, industry and charity positions, to sign up as members of WiN UK (for free!) to have the opportunity to connect with other women in neuroscience.

As well as myself, there are a host of inspiring women in neuroscience from a variety of subtopics and career stages who have volunteered to be part of the WiN UK Team. We still have several positions vacant, so do get in touch if you're interested in volunteering.


What will WiN UK do?

Our website has several tabs filled with resources...

  • Our searchable members page is filling with biographies of many inspiring female neuroscientists.

  • WiN UK members can access forums, which we hope will include groups for discussion on neuroscience subtopics (e.g. neurodegeneration) and sublocations (e.g. Cambridge WiN).

  • Blogs will be by, about and for female neuroscientists, including advice, career stories and exciting neuroscientific research, and can be commented on by WiN UK members.

  • I hope WiN UK will host virtual events and in-person events (open to all gender identities) across the UK to bring the community together: from journal clubs to lunches, I’d like the events to range from educational and inspiring to fun and social.

  • We’re considering setting up a mentorship scheme, to match early careers scientists with more experienced scientists who are happy to contact mentees a few times a year to offer support.

In addition to the website, you can stay connected through our WiN UK Instagram, Twitter, and our mailing list.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for women in neuroscience in the UK, via our network and more broadly, in strives towards equality and in successful scientific endeavours!


I'd love to hear what you think about the WiN UK platforms so far and if you have any suggestions for improvements or future additions. Feel free to get in touch via the comments, the WiN UK email address or social media.

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